Vagrant Testing

Starting the VM

You can test the provisioning/deployment using Vagrant. This requires Vagrant 1.3+. The Vagrantfile is configured to install the Salt Master and Minion inside the VM once you’ve run vagrant up. The box will be installed if you don’t have it already.:

vagrant up

The general provision workflow is the same as in the previous provisioning guide so here are notes of the Vagrant specifics.

Provisioning the VM

Set your environment variables and secrets in conf/pillar/vagrant.sls. It is OK for this to be checked into version control because it can only be used on the developer’s local machine. To finalize the provisioning you simply need to run:

fab vagrant_first_time deploy

and thereafter:

fab vagrant deploy

The Vagrant box will use the current working copy of the project and the settings. If you want to use this for development/testing it is helpful to change your local settings to extend from staging instead of dev:

# Example
from service_info.settings.staging import *

# Override settings here
DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = 'service_info_local'
DATABASES['default']['USER'] = 'service_info_local'

DEBUG = True

This won’t have the same nice features of the development server such as auto-reloading but it will run with a stack which is much closer to the production environment. Also beware that while conf/pillar/vagrant.sls is checked into version control, generally isn’t, so it will be up to you to keep them in sync.

Testing on the VM

With the VM fully provisioned and deployed, you can access the VM at the IP address specified in the Vagrantfile, which is by default. Since the Nginx configuration will only listen for the domain name in conf/pillar/vagrant.sls, you will need to modify your /etc/hosts configuration to view it at one of those IP addresses. I recommend, otherwise the ports in the localhost URL cause the CSRF middleware to complain REASON_BAD_REFERER when testing over SSL. You will need to add: <domain>

where <domain> matches the domain in conf/pillar/vagrant.sls. For example, let’s use

In your browser you can now view and see the VM running the full web stack.

Note that this /etc/hosts entry will prevent you from accessing the true When your testing is complete, you should remove or comment out this entry.